
Fullstack Ruby

The hip place to be for a groovy take on developing web apps using this plucky language.

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We’ve returned! Ruby & Web Dev news back in action 🚀

Hello Ruby friends! OK, so it's been a minute. 😅 Fullstack Ruby was on hiatus last year, and I delve into the some of the reasons why in my new blog post as well as another post on the Bridgetown website. (post link) But the TL;DR is I've found a way to thread the needle back to feeling pumped about working in Ruby and on Ruby-themed projects again—most specially around the Bridgetown ecosystem as well as Roda, Sequel, and Rodauth which are increasingly playing a role in my business to enable...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hello Ruby friends! ✌🏼 I hope you had a lovely St. Patrick's Day ☘️ weekend…certainly much fun was had here in Portland, Oregon with plenty of bagpipes and beer to go around. But that's not why you're subscribed to this newsletter. So let's talk about Ruby! Signalize, a Ruby Port of Preact Signals I'm excited to announce a new gem called Signalize. It's a direct port of the JavaScript package called Signals, brought to us by the fine folks at Preact. As it says on the tin, Signalize provides...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Greetings fellow Rubyists & happy Friday! I've got a couple of exciting bits of news for you. Bridgetown, the Ruby-powered site generator & fullstack framework of which I am lead maintainer, just celebrated its v1.2 release. Some of the new features include a new plugin configuration format, slotted content for templates and components, easier access to front matter and site-wide data, and bunch of quality-of-life improvements to i18n, helpers, SSR, and more. But if you aren't already a user...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Happy 2023 my fellow Rubyists! It's been a minute since Fullstack Ruby’s last newsletter. I promised you timely tips on how to meld your Ruby skills with UI-focused app development on the web, and I didn't deliver that. I'm sorry. But I'm renewing my commitment to providing you with regular and potent content, and kicking things off in the new year is a new podcast episode all about ruby.wasm. Wasm (aka WebAssembly) provides a standard mechanism for executing sandboxed compiled code within a...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hi Ruby Friends! Another week, another episode of the Fullstack Ruby Podcast! Er…well, not exactly. I wish I could record an episode every week. Maybe one day. But at any rate, Episode 6 is here: How Do You Manage Ruby Application Dependencies? From the description: Every Ruby web framework has its own way of configuring itself as well as third-party dependencies. In some cases it’s largely up to you, in other cases it’s clearly spelled out. There may or may not also be some “magic” involved...

over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hello Ruby friends! There's a bit of a brouhaha going on on Twitter right now (er, when is there ever not?!) regarding Ruby and how we address criticism and engage with critiques of the language and the ecosystem. After all, as the saying goes, Ruby is "optimized for programmer happiness" — which must mean that if somebody's not happy with Ruby, we've failed. Right? Right??! Well, I just recorded a podcast episode all about this. (Naturally.) 🤓 I would say more, but really…just go listen to...

almost 2 years ago • 2 min read

Hey everybody! Sorry for the long wait since the last newsletter went out. I expected to have a bunch of content to roll out in late May, and then…well, the rug just got pulled out from under me. But here I am. 😅 I did publish a new article on Fullstack Ruy recently, entitled What Would It Take for Roda to Win? In the article I write: Roda is a web toolkit—which is basically another way of saying it’s a web framework. But the reason the author of Roda, Jeremy Evans, likes to call it a toolkit...

almost 2 years ago • 2 min read

Hello Ruby friends! March seemed to run away from me, but I'm back on the scene and letting you know about not one, but two new resources published on Fullstack Ruby! Before we get into that however, I'd like to mention I'll be attending RailsConf 2022 in Portland, Oregon next month. If you plan on being there as well, I'd love to meet up with you! (email me to let me know!) Now on with the news: Podcast Episode 4: Design Patterns on the Frontend, History of MVVM, Web Components, and You...

about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Note: This is a difficult time to send a newsletter out about such trival matters as Ruby view template engines. Our hearts go out to everyone right now who's suffering—and in particular, the brave people of Ukraine who are victims of an unjust war. We hope peace and international justice will prevail. Hello fellow Rubyists! New to Fullstack Ruby this week is a podcast episode all about templates. In the episode I break down the main conceptual difference between “string-based templates” such...

about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Greetings, my fellow Rubyist! It's been a while! Getting back into the swing of things this year after the holiday break proved to be more challenging than I anticipated. But nevertheless, I am here and ready to talk shop. I thought it might be worthwhile to switch gears a bit and write a philosophical post about a topic near and dear to my heart: less code. As many an experienced programmer will tell you, sometimes the amount of code you remove, or refrain from writing in the first place, is...

about 2 years ago • 1 min read
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