
Fullstack Ruby

Ruby jobs at #7? A podcast about application configuration and initialization?

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hi Ruby Friends!

Another week, another episode of the Fullstack Ruby Podcast! Er…well, not exactly. I wish I could record an episode every week. Maybe one day. But at any rate, Episode 6 is here:

How Do You Manage Ruby Application Dependencies?

From the description:

Every Ruby web framework has its own way of configuring itself as well as third-party dependencies. In some cases it’s largely up to you, in other cases it’s clearly spelled out. There may or may not also be some “magic” involved in requiring gems added to a Gemfile. As a maintainer of Bridgetown, I’m currently working through all these issues as I ready the next major release which will feature a brand-new initialization system. Listen to the show to hear a rundown of some of the configuration setups out there and what we’ve chosen to focus on for Bridgetown!

I also shared some thoughts on a recent article showcasing top languages for programming jobs where Ruby made a pretty decent showing.


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