
Fullstack Ruby

String-Based Templates vs. DSLs: the Pros & Cons of Each

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Note: This is a difficult time to send a newsletter out about such trival matters as Ruby view template engines. Our hearts go out to everyone right now who's suffering—and in particular, the brave people of Ukraine who are victims of an unjust war. We hope peace and international justice will prevail.

Hello fellow Rubyists! New to Fullstack Ruby this week is a podcast episode all about templates. In the episode I break down the main conceptual difference between “string-based templates” such as ERB and “DSLs” such as Papercraft, the various options within each category, and some of the reasons you might want to choose one approach or another depending on your use case. What's your favorite template engine? I'd love to hear about it!

Also…as you may know, I am the lead maintainer & developer of Bridgetown, a next-generation static site generator & framework. We've been heading towards our final, production-grade release of v1.0 (having been on a 0.x cycle since Bridgetown's inception in early 2020), and we've run a fundraising campaign with a goal of reaching $5,000 to help fund this effort. At present, the tally stands at $4,113. The campaign ends at the end of the month, so there's still time to contribute! 😃

I'm amazed and grateful that Bridgetown has attracted quite a loyal following and is now powering numerous websites for individuals, businesses, and social organizations, as well as helping to push the cause of Ruby forward.

I appreciate every little bit which has been donated by Rubyists across the globe, and I can't wait to see what you all build with Bridgetown 1.0!🤘

Thanks once again for your interest and support of Fullstack Ruby, and I'll catch you all next week!

Jared ✌️

Fullstack Ruby

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